Greetings and Salutations;
I decided to take a moment to commemorate an amazing moment in the history of the Federal Government. Earlier in the year, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Leader of the Senate, was discussing ways to deal with a debt crisis that the USA faces with tedious regularity these days. The issue is, of course, the debt ceiling – a nebulous concept that theoretically sets an upper limit on the amount of debt Federal Government is allowed to run up. It is pretty much like the credit limit on your Visa card. Well, it is hardly more than political posturing, because every time the USA has gotten close to it, Congress simply raised it. That is good for the congress-critters, because it provides them with a scary talking point that they can go back to their supporters with, and, wave it about to prove what a foul fiend their opponent is because they voted for/against it. In real terms, though, it is meaningless. However, because it exists as a law, and, Congress is willing to give lip-service to the laws they find convenient, it becomes a little circus for a few weeks or months until they vote to raise it again. Actually, the only people directly affected by this are the hundreds of thousands of folks that work in the Federal Government system. THEY often get a few days of unpaid leave when the government has to “shut down” because the limit is reached. Now…Back to Mitch McConnell. The last time this came up, he was kicking around ideas as to how to deal with the problem and cut down on the theatre a bit. He came up with the really great idea of keeping the debt ceiling, but, changing the law so the President could raise it without requiring the consent of Congress! Many folks apparently thought that was a great idea, and, he pushed it for a bit, but, as often happens with ossified creatures, they fell back into the tarpit, and simply voted to raise the limit again. Well, the situation is coming up again, and, this time, McConnell actually presented the idea in the form of a bill. Now, his idea was to present it and when the Democrats refused to vote for it, us this as proof that they hated America (to paraphrase). Much to his surprise, though, the Minority Whip polled the Democrats, then came back and said “ok, let’s vote on it”. So, what did McConnell do? Did he allow his bill holding this gem of an idea as to how to simplify dealing with the debt crisis to be voted on? Of course not! Because there was a good chance that it would have passed, he had no choice but to stand up at his podium, and, announce that he was objecting to it being brought to a vote, and, essentially, saying that he was going to keep talking until it died! Needless to say, this left us with the sight of a gallary full of Democrats sitting there with their jaws hanging open in surprise…he was filibustering his own bill! This is a historic moment in that it is the first time that has happened.
So…the clown show inside the Beltway continues, and, provides moments of great humor for all of us!
Pleasant Dreams