Watching intelligence go from 3 digits to room temperature

Greetings and Salutations.

Well, the current bit of amazing video and transcript of the interview with Franklin Graham is located here:

Now, there has been a number of comments posted to facebook about this, but, I thought I would only quote my two posts… Here is the first one:

And from THIS website:

It appears that we are all BORN muslims, and only get distracted. However, in spite of Rev. Graham’s many strong points, his thinking is fuzzy here. The question I would ask (in the great historical tendencies of Lutheranism) is this: Does this mean that a Catholic who embraces the beliefs of the Southern Baptist Convention is REALLY, in the depths of his heart, still a Roman Catholic? And, for that matter, does this mean that the child of atheists, who takes up religion and is baptized as a Christian is still, by his belief system, subject to eternal damnation? It SOUNDS like that is exactly the point Rev. Graham is making.

Of course the fact that he was a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago makes no difference to folks. Oh…by the by…how is the UCC described: “mainline Protestant Christian denomination primarily in the Reformed tradition but also historically influenced by Lutheranism” (yea…from Wikipedia). Sounds about as far from Islam as one can get to ME.

Alas, as time progressed, I thought a bit further about it and posted the following remarks – which were, perhaps, a bit less temperate.

Oh yea…and because I am SLIGHTLY CDO, I thought I would point out that according to the records, not only was Pres. Obama’s father pretty much an absentee parent, but, he became an atheist in his later life – which is yet ANOTHER fact that makes Rev. Franklin’s words even more muffled because of the depth that he has his head planted up his ass…

Pleasant Dreams


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