Greetings and salutations…
I ran across an interesting article on the NPR website today.
In the article it states that counter-terrorism officials are trying to figure out why this branch of Al Qued, located in Yeman, has such a personal dislike of America and is so pissed off with this country!
I do not know why there should be ANY puzzlement about this. The MAJOR thing that Gitmo did for the USA was produce thousands of really angry folks who had a good reason to want to strike back at America. When 99% plus of the prisoners are there, and being tortured NOT because they are actual terrorist, but, because they were sold the the USA for a bounty by a rival, or had pissed off their neighbor, or had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then, when thrown into Gitmo they were told they were disappeared forever and had no human rights. That goes a long way towards building a bitterness that is not going to be eased simply by kicking them loose with a perfunctory “sorry, man, my bad”. It does not take much of a Google search to find article after article, stretching back YEARS, documenting both the terrible treatment these people suffered at the hands of America, and, the general unfairness of their incarceration.
The comments in the article also say a lot about the cluelessness of the Federal Government that folks who are supposed to be experts in the area of finding terrorist threats to the USA, and dealing with them. How can they BE so puzzled as to why these folks are so viscerally angry with America. It ranks right up there with the recent changes to the TSA’s screening procedures, which do nothing to actually PROTECT Americans from danger, but, do erode away more of their human dignity, privacy and rights.
How did we get to a point where we have engendered such bitterness, and, those that are supposed to protect America are so clueless? One would think that with the fairly high rate of folks going to college, that we would have a society that had more citizens capable of rational, analytical thought, and, that were able to discern the difference between truly increasing safety and security theatre. Apparently, though, colleges are there for Frat parties and football games, and forget the education!
Pleasant dreams