Greetings and salutations.
Well, the headlines are trumpeting the fact that the Tennessee State Legislators have just lowered the sales tax amount collected on food sold in the state! Wow! An actual tax CUT for once by the folks who seem to have the sole goal of grabbing as much money from the citizens as is possible! Sounds great, does it not? Well, it does until we look at the actual numbers. The important fact that the tax cut is a 0.25% – from 5.5% to 5.25% is buried deep in the article. The net result? The next time I go to Food City and purchase $100.00 worth of groceries, my total bill will be $0.25 – yes…ONE QUARTER…less than it would have been at the first of the week. I have to wonder…Do the state legislators really believe that this is going to actually help the citizens of Tennessee? I suspect that this is simply a political ploy to allow the folks running for office to brag about the fact that they did lower the tax rate in the next election cycle. The really sad thing about this, though, is that there are likely a large percentage of citizens who will read the headline, and, never find out the minicule amount that is being dropped, and, so will vote for the weasels that pushed this joke through.
When I was a boy, the only day of April that one had to worry about was the 1st of April. Now, it seems, the tradition of being an April Fool has spread through the entire month!
I would suggest that it is past time for the voters of the state to move away from that sad tendency to return 90%+ of the elected officials to office. Starting with the next election cycle, let us put new blood into the offices, and continue this process until the representatives get the message that the voters are fed up with greedy and self-serving actions and do want change back to a government that puts the needs of the many first.
Pleasant Dreams
bee man dave