Greetings and Salutations.
The way that the more fantical members of the political parties in America have behaved towards each other in the past few years has got to be turning America into the laughingstock of the world and eroding our ability to do anything worthwhile. I have a couple of random thoughts about the whole situation that I thought I would post here.
As to calling them “parties”, I say…Is there cake? If there is not cake, and lots of it, it is not much of a party at all.
Considering the demonization of the Democrats in general and President Obama in particular by the Republican party, I am reminded of a wonderful story I heard many years ago about how Benjamin Disraeli, while Prime Minister of England, handled a racist moment during a session of Parliament. Disraeli was a phenomena in that through his wisdom, eloquence and hard work, made his way to the post of Prime Minister in a time when Antisemitism was rampant in England in spite of the fact he was Jewish. His nemesis in Parliment was another well known figure – William Gladstone. Both were excelent speakers, and, they had many sharp and subtle interactions both during sessions of Parliament and outside the chambers.
Well, to the moment – One day, Parliament was debating over the cost of maintaining the facilities on the island of Elba, where Napoleon was exiled after losing the war. Gladstone, who was speaking for creating a fund to pay for repairs and maintenance was talking about its historic importance, and, the deterioration from lack of maintenance since Napoleon’s death, was building to a BIG finish. He kept turning up the intensity of his speech, then, at its apex of tension, as every eye in the chamber gave him rapt attention, he fixed a steely gaze on Disraeli (who was calmly sitting across the floor from him) and declaimed “Elba has fallen into such a sad state of disrepair that it is fit only for the company of madmen and (slight pause for effect) Jews” At this, Disraeli lept to his feet and without missing a beat, in ringing tones heard throughout the chamber said “Then you and I must retire there at ONCE!”. The chamber dissolved into laughter, and so threw off Gladstone that he was, I believe, unable to regain the momentum or attention of the Other Members. Alas, his resolution also failed to pass, as it was difficult to vote “yes” on a proposal whose sponser had been so completely mocked.
I have touched on reworking our system of elections to move towards a more Parlimentary system. I shall (hopefully sooner rather than later) address a more lengthy examination of the why and how, this might be a good option.
pleasant dreams