Greetings and Salutations;
I am writing this in commemoration of the 70 year anniversary of bombing of Hiroshima during World War 2. There are images here that are hard to view, but, are part of our heritage, so, should be faced.
America is, so far, the only country in the world to have actually used Atomic Weapons against another population. I can only pray that this remains true forever. There are just some things that we, as humans should not do, and, I believe that perverting Atomic energy to kill is one of them that is WAY up the list. Over the years, there have been many debates about the decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There are people who passionately defend the action, and others who are just as emotional about pushing that it was a terrible mistake and should never have been done. While these are valid arguments, I am not going to address them here. THe fact of the matter is that in July of 1945, a group of men sat around a table and decided that it was the best course of action to drop the bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That and the events that followed cannot be changed, so all we can do is look at the reality of history, and decide…do we want to do this again?
When the Enola Gay dropped the Bomb on Hiroshima, and it reached its set altitiude, it detonated, and in less time than it takes a heart to beat, 70,000 people vanished in a flash of light. They were vaporised by the heat and shock wave produced by the blast. Most of the city was destroyed – buildings flattened as if they were built of cardboard. The people that were killed instantly were, argueably the lucky ones. The survivors were left with terrible injuries from the blast and radiation, and over the next few weeks another 70,000 or more died from those injuries.
There are many, many more pict4uresof the results of this bombing, and, while they are a challenge to view, it is important that we look at them, and, as I have said before, decide…what kind of society do we want to have, and what kind of society do we want to promote in the world? Recently, President Obama has, along with five other countries, has successfully created a treaty with Iran to help keep the proliferation of nuclear weapons from invading that country. It shocks me to see that there are Right-Winger politicians in this country that are vehemently against this treaty, claiming that it could be “better”. THe members of Congress are threatening to veto the treaty, in spite of the facts that it will still happen, even if America is not part of it, and, it is the BEST deal so far to keep the focus of Iran on the peaceful use of atomic energy. I hope that these people realize that, by fighting against treaties like this, they are voting for Hiroshima to happen again…and this time it might well be in OUR back yard. Is this what they want? I pray that this is not what is on their mind, and, that their eyes will be opened to the reality of not keeping the world as weapon free as is possible.
Pleasant dreams
Bee Man Dave