The Rule Of Law in America is DEAD!

Greetings and Salutations;

In the Big Room, the insanity and chaos in the Political world continues to increase. Today, the Supreme Court released a ruling that the President has total immunity for ANY actions he takes as “part of his official duties”. Now, a big issue with this is that “Official Duties” is not defined at the moment… This is a fundamental change to the rule of law in America. This ruling, basically, changes the President from a servant of the people, subject to the same laws as all of us, to a King, subject to NO laws. I do not know if the Right-Wingers on the Supreme court can think clearly enough to understand what a can of worms they have opened. We are not worried so much about President Biden, as he is a man of honor, and character. However, if, by chance, the Mango Mussolini takes the Office, we will see a Russian Style government. He has already said he will use the Justice Department to exact revenge on pretty much everyone who has stood against him. That he will toss people into prison without indictment, a trial, or any chance to defend themselves. Instead of a legal process, it is far more likely he will build a team of assassins who will kill or vanish anyone who pisses him off. It is a truly horrifying development, and such an openly political move by the Supreme Court that what little respect it had as an institution is now washed away.

The Right Wing bloviates all the time about their desire for a Civil War. The Left wingers push for a more peaceful solution. However, the Right keeps implementing these changes, that erode away the basic foundations of the society that have been in place for 250 years. I wonder if they realize that everyone has a point where they say “No More!” I believe that many on the Left are reaching that point. When they hit the end of their patience, the Right Wing will learn the painful truth of the saying “Demons Run when a good man goes to war”.

The office of President of the United States is, arguably, the most powerful office on the planet. With this ruling the the Supreme Court has moved constraints on the use of that power away from the Constitution, and the limits it places on the government, to depending on the moral code, ethics and character of the person holding the office. Discounting the Cultists, can ANYONE honestly say that #45 has any contact or understanding of those three items? I argue that he would not recognize any of them as part of his reality even if they came up and pissed on his shoe.

In 1776, we declared independence from Britain, because we, as a society, decided that living under the dictatorship of a King was truly a Bad Thing. Today, The SCOTUS has said “We were wrong! Anointing a King and living under their unlimited power is the best of all possible worlds”. This demonstrates, yet again, that what used to be the GOP has become a lair of despicable, evil, greed driven and power hungry dictators. I ask again…is this the society YOU want to live in? It is certainly not one that I want to live in, nor do I want anyone I care about to be subject to a Royal Presidency.

God Help Us All!

Bee Man Dave

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