Idle Amusements…jerking a cultist around.

Greetings and Salutations;

Well, while I have managed to block most of the room-temperature cultists, they do show up at times. I just had an amusing interaction with one and thought I would memorialize it here. The original post was by a school teacher who was moved, by a food-insecure student, to organize a pantry for the students to take food from so they would have some nourishment at home. While most of the comments were positive, there were several who were crapping on the food because it was not “organic” enough for them. I engaged one of them in a short interaction, just because I was bored…

Sean Foley – That is a cart of crap. CPS should have been called to remove the children from the home. There is not one item in that cart that is healthy.

Dave Mundt Sean Foley <<<—#FoundTheCultist (and I did confirm this on his profile page before posting this)
Sean Foley Dave Mundt and you are the idiot. Do you always judge and make bigoted comments? Do you know what racism is?

Dave Mundt Sean Foley Am I wrong? Are you going to claim you voted for VP Harris? Bless your heart… and are you claiming you are a person of color????

Sean Foley Dave Mundt so only color can be the basis of racism? I am a human. I don’t play the color game moron.

Sean Foley Dave Mundt yes you are wrong. You are a fucking moron that judges anyone who doesn’t think like them as inferior. And that you fucking moron is basically racism in a nut shell. Your kind is a disease to all humans.

Dave Mundt Sean Foley bless your heart…and you obviously did not do well in school!
“prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.”

It is interesting to confirm that the Cultists continue to be so easy to trigger, it is like shooting fish in a barrel. In any case, I blocked the young man, and moved on, as I saw no positive results from the “conversation”.

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