Well, there seems to be a little relaxation in the world of the bees for the past week or so. The Spring blooms have all gone away, and, the mid-Summer garden flowers are fading away. I stopped by the apiary yesterday, to check on the new swarm, and, found that the girls are MOSTLY just hanging out on the front of the hives, fanning and buzzing away. There is a lot of activity inside, of course, but, it was very hot (85 degrees) and VERY humid (close to 100%) yesterday, so they were mostly just being the A/C.
Speaking of the swarm…They are settling in nicely, and building comb to fill in the capture frames. I put a couple of cakes of bee candy on top of the frames, to give them some extra boost, and will check them either today or tomorrow to see if they need more. I have one other hive that seems a tad weak, so, I may put a couple of chunks of the candy in their home too…We shall see.
The rains seem to have impacted the Blackberries on The Hill, alas. I have hardly gotten a gallon or so from the canes, and, they are just about done for the year. It is a balance…too much rain is as bad as too little.